Identifying driver memory leaks on windows 10

So i got a new gaming pc with the RX480. Hurray!!
Started battlefield 4 single player campaign. Plays like a charm. Silky smooth 60fps.
Suddenly after playing for a while game slows down to a crawl.  Happened with many games.
First i thought maybe it was an issue with the RX480 but saw a few videos on youtube. That thing is a low priced beast that never fails.
So here i was with a brand new pc with all the right specs but unable to play for more than 45 minutes.
So i thought, maybe its windows 10?
Check the resource usage and my mem was being used up at 96%+ with no programs running ( except usually background processes).
I suspected it was a driver memory leak. But which driver?
Back in the days, after installing an os i would have to install only a few drivers. But nowadays it seems that all i did after installing windows 10 was install driver after driver.

There is a microsoft tool named PoolMon that can help.

All you have to do is download, install and run it.

The usual path to the exe is
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Tools\x64

Once its running just press B to show what's eating up your computer's memory.

The microsoft tutorial is so simple yet complete:

So my issue was WFPN.
Google that and turns out it was my network suit of drivers : Killer Network Manager software

It's supposed to make my games using the network faster(not that it matters because of the always present huge latency on orange's network).

Uninstalled the software suit and i haven't had any issues so far. Memory usage @ 36%.
Even finished battlefield 4 single player campaign. Not one lag!

If you have the same Killer network manager software suit, i hope this helps you because i spent a lot of time before i found the culprit.

drivers still causing issue. Now mem usage up to 75% compared to 96%+.

there is a registry fix
Change the registry key value of the “Start” entry to 4 in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Ndu\ to disable the Windows 

Found it on this reddit post so kudos to the person that posted it :
